
Chocolate Brownies
Valentine’s Day

Living in New England it's easy to tell when it's Valentine's Day each February. American Valentine's Day isn't just one-way from a woman to a man. Regardless of sex anyone can give anything they like to the person they like.

When I was studying at Connecticut University someone would always put a small chocolate in the mail boxes of all the students on February 14. I once received a cute card from a young lady who was teaching Japanese.

Every day was snow and ice-bound, and the daylight short-lived. It's times like this when life feels hard in the midst of a cold, cold winter when someone close to you tells you they like you … it brings you the courage to live. Valentine's Day - it's the cold day of mid-winter that is suddenly warm.

I usually cook chocolate brownies on this day. I melt the sugar in the butter in a pan, and add quality chocolate, eggs, flour and lashings of walnuts. Pour the soft pastry into tins and into the oven, in no time it's done! So simple!

Rather than a chocolate flavored cake, I would call it chocolate that is reminiscent of cake. The outside is slightly crunchy with a modest heart of chocolate. A moist and rich creation.

If you cook with the goal of making something delicious there is just so much you can do. Sweets are no different. And that is why we have sweets. Sweets are more than just something to eat with tea or after dinner. They are something warm, fragrant, kind and sweet to share with those around us. From there conversation is born together with the bonds that bind people together.

If what you are looking for is "Something to win a man's heart" then I wish you success. But on this spring day when winter is still far off, bring together those people you like, both male and female, and try a home-made chocolate brownie party. Even without anything being said among you the sweets will convey all of your feelings.